
Social Responsibility

We bear responsibility for our employees. Therefore, we pay close attention to diversity, equality of opportunity, generational management and the qualification of specialists, as well as prevailing topics such as work life balance. In 2012, 2018 as well as 2021 ORWO Net GmbH received the award of "Family-friendly company in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld".

Employee satisfaction is supported by various criteria. Motivated and qualified employees demonstrate their commitment and flexibility on a daily basis. Through tolerance and cohesion, they create an indispensable working environment. In the area of occupational health and safety, the company has a procedure for involving employees to identify hazards, risk assessment and possible protective measures. We also place emphasis on the opinions of our team members in the development and evaluation of work and health policies as well as their objectives.

The employees of ORWO Net GmbH have a high priority throughout the company, our philosophy lives through them. Therefore, we are committed to continually improve occupational health and safety in order to ensure a safe workplace for our employees and create an environment in which they feel comfortable. The targeted support and training of our employees ensures our competitiveness and retains the high quality of our products. We take precautionary measures so that we can guarantee compliance with the high occupational health and safety requirements at workplaces and avoid injuries and illnesses.

Our employees are our greatest strength. Their sense of responsibility is constantly being promoted and trained within our system. One of our most important tasks is to further develop the competence and know-how of our employees. Through continuous improvement of the work environment and regular training, we want to promote the qualification of our employees in order to increase their competence to fulfil their tasks.

By recruiting and training school and university graduates, we offer young people a future in our company. For many years, we have been working closely with the University of Leipzig and Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, providing internships and scholarships. Furthermore, we train employees beyond the company's needs. We are proud of the variety of our training courses. About ten young people start their careers with us every year. The 2009 training certificate of the Federal Agency for Employment was awarded to ORWO Net GmbH. This acknowledged our commitment to the education and our contribution to ensure the availability of specialists.

Family-friendly company 2021


Awarded by the administrative district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.

Family-friendly company 2018


Awarded by the administrative district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.

Family-friendly company 2012


Awarded by the administrative district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.

As a modern photo service provider, ORWO Net GmbH sees it as its duty to act responsibly and sustainably. In order to live up to this claim, we include the entire value chain in our actions and activities, beyond the boundaries of our company. This explicitly includes our service providers, suppliers and strategic partners.

Our Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact and the ILO and FSC® core labour standards (FSC-C119941) form the basis of our activities alongside the applicable law as a set of standards. They define our standards in the areas of anti-discrimination, human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

FSC® Declaration of Principles

We also apply this standard to our procurement department and want to promote sustainable development together with our service providers and suppliers.

On this basis, we have formulated the minimum requirements for our suppliers as procurement guidelines. Compliance with these minimum requirements is expected from all service providers and suppliers. Our partners ensure that they inform their responsible employees about these principles of conduct and take measures that ensure the implementation of the respective provisions by their responsible employees and their suppliers.