
ORWO Net x EcoVadis

We are pleased to inform you today about a new development in our company: With immediate effect, ORWO Net can proudly use the renowned EcoVadis label. We have successfully passed the extensive certification process, once again demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

ORWO Net GmbH was awarded a total score of 57 points in the current rating. There is potential in the areas of sustainability reporting, social monitoring, ethics and handling greenhouse gases. In the areas of environment, sustainable procurement and labor and human rights, we achieved a very good rating and even scored higher than comparable companies in the industry.

This certification is a further step towards a sustainable future and shows that ORWO Net as a company is continuously working to improve its sustainability practices.

Background information on the label

EcoVadis is an independent rating agency that assesses the sustainability performance of companies. The EcoVadis rating system helps companies to assess, improve and make transparent the social and environmental sustainability of their own operations and supply chains. Through a comprehensive document audit, EcoVadis analyzes environmental practices, working conditions, ethical business practices and supply chain responsibility.

The assessment is based on internationally recognized standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000 and the guidelines of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Companies receive scorecards with scores from 0 to 100 and medals (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) that highlight strengths and areas for improvement. These scorecards also promote targeted sustainability efforts and enable comparison with industry standards.