From now on, ORWO is offering its customers a new photo print in which captures the moment more sharply than ever before. In addition to that, it does not lose its quality over the years.
ORWO Net GmbH continues to grow rapidly this year and is able to introduce a brand new product for the german market: the HD Premium print. Through the company’s investment in a new printing technology, it is now allowing a more innovative production at the site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. The result is something to be proud of. Customers will recieve a photo that convinces everyone with its vivid colors and smooth color changes. From now on, color casts are reduced to a minimum. Those who are looking for an alternative to the classics of exposed prints, will find them at ORWO since October.
The durabilitiy of up to 300 years is particularly convincing: Moments of today can still be held in the hands of grandchildren and generations later, without losing any quality. In comparison, exposed photo prints have a life span of 80 years. „Our photos have now arrived in the age of the high-definition era – thanks to the new technology, our customers can now hold their photos in their hands printed in unique quality – and even after 300 years, they will look the same.“, Peter Warns, the managing director of the ORWO Net GmbH, said..
For ORWO, the purchase of the new machine and the expansion of the product range is a true investment for the future. „As one of the first providers in Germany, we are proud to be able to offer this convincing product. Once you have held an HD Premium print in your hands, you don’t want to stick anything else into your photo album.“ says marketing manager Kristin Friedrich.
As one of the main employers in the region and one of the most important photo service providers in Europe, ORWO’s goal is to secure market share in the premium-segment of the photo market and to promote further growth of the company. „In addition to the introduction of such product innovations, it is of course one of the most important tasks to accompany this growth, both in the portfolio and for the whole company by new qualified employees – finding personnel is not only in the christmas season an important topic for us.“ adds Peter Warns.